
Happy Valentine's Day

It has been a LONG time since we posted any new photos or videos, but life has been really hectic. Between battling the typical "winter" colds, second semester challenges of Jimena's learning to tell time, Charlie's State report (Pennsylvania!) and Franklin's science fair project, Jonathan's potty training, Benjamin's cutting his first tooth, Matthew's upcoming trip to Monterrey, Mexico, and my pending Masters field project, there has not been much time to blog. But I wanted to share these pictures from our annual Valentine's Day heart pizza lunch. It became a tradition a couple years ago and has just stuck. Here are the kids and the pizzas full of love from yesterday's celebration. Check out the photos at our Picasa Photo Gallery (look at the link to the right, Mom -->). Happy Valentine's Day to all of you. We might be far away, but know you are much loved and missed here in La Ceiba.

Love always,
Andrea, Matthew, Franklin, Charlie, Jimena, Jonathanasaurus and Big Ben