I love elementary school. I think virtually every elementary school teacher will be canonized for their patience, creativity, and ability to help my kids learn things that I can never seem to get them to understand. However, I do not particularly enjoy being the mother of elementary-aged school children. It requires an ability and desire to be far more creative and crafty than I have ever been or ever will be. Take this week for example. Second grade is putting on a Thanksgiving play followed by a Thanksgiving feast. Now, Thanksgiving I can do. I host a huge Thanksgiving dinner party every year. I go all out. It is my favorite holiday. But Pilgrims, now that I do not do. My poor little Pilgrim, Jimena, is stuck with a mother who refuses to be good at things like making Pilgrim costumes on demand, especially when I know that I have to make, not one, but TWO angels costumes next week. So we scrimped and we scrounged, and the poor little dear will be a Pilgrim tomorrow. Perhaps the saddest looking Pilgrim in second grade, but a Pilgrim nonetheless. All I can say is thanks be to God for scraps of construction paper, a headband, leftover cloth from Franklin's embroidery project last year, Charlie's cloth belt, a nice little maternity dress that is floor length on a 7 year old, Enma's black hoodie, and a stapler. Put it all together and what do you get? Jimena the Pilgrim!!